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Rabbi Dina Rosenberg, Senior Rabbi

Rabbi Dina Rosenberg

Rabbi Dina Rosenberg is thrilled to be the Senior Rabbi of CSI. Her love of Judaism extends beyond the walls of the sanctuary, and she is excited to get her hands dirty in the CSI Organic Farm, play in the sandbox with the nursery school students, lead crafts in the Religious School, and dig deep through adult education to expand our understanding of God and spirituality.

Rabbi Rosenberg loves officiating at life cycle events and giving each family personal attention so the ritual can reflect the individual/family celebrating. She makes a point to meet with every person that walks through the door to ensure that a safe and welcoming space is created for everyone.

One of the things Rabbi Rosenberg loves most is teaching. She loves to offer out of the box experiences including connecting fitness and Judaism, hiking on Shabbat, encouraging children to participate in all aspects of the Shabbat service and teaching about compelling and challenging topics. She believes strongly that children are encouraged to attend and participate in all aspects of synagogue life. She is thrilled to offer a warm and friendly presence to all who enter CSI.

Rabbi Rosenberg was ordained at The Jewish Theological Seminary in 2011 and previously served Conservative congregations in Mississippi, Brooklyn-New York, Maryland, and New Jersey. She has served as the secretary of the Interfaith Clergy Association in Freehold, New Jersey and currently serves on the Racial Justice Committee for the Rabbinical Assembly. Originally from California, Rabbi Rosenberg has spent her adult life on the east coast and is looking forward to becoming involved in the greater Westchester community. She resides in Briarcliff Manor with her challah-baking-extraordinaire husband, Mark, two young children, Boaz and Abigail, and their dog, Peanut Butter.
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Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz

Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz has served as Hazzan at CSI since 1988. His broad knowledge of both traditional and modern melodies, combined with his enthusiastic service leadership, helps provide our members with a strong musical and ritual atmosphere. As Chairman of Publications for the Cantors Assembly since 1993, he has edited some of the most widely used song books in the Conservative Movement, including B’Kol Echad: In One VoiceRoni V’Simchi: Rejoice and SingHolidays in Song and the three-volume series of Zamru Lo: The Next Generation and B’chol Dor Vador:  In Every Generation.  His latest publication is Shira Chadasha:  The Music of the Independent Minyan. He is currently working on a new book of synagogue music from Israel tentatively titled “Shirei Masorti” in conjunction with the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center.

A native of Detroit, Cantor Shiovitz graduated from the Cantor’s Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1981. He is especially proud to have received the prestigious Solomon Schechter Award from the United Synagogue for his work with our seniors HaMishpacha program. Cantor Shiovitz is thrilled to have been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Music from JTS. He is surrounded by his loving family: his wife, Robyn, and his children, Rachel (married to Yonah Lemonik, parents of Miriam Abigail and Maya Rose), David (married to Gina Hotz), Sarah (married to Drew Mahrt, parents of Jamie Robert) and Talia.
Email Cantor Shiovitz.


Rabbi Steven Kane, Rabbi Emeritus

Rabbi Steven Kane had been the spiritual leader at CSI for 30 years. With a balance between tradition and the needs of our times, Rabbi Kane developed rituals and observances that allow our members to express feelings as individuals and as a community in meaningful ways.

Rabbi Kane received his master’s degree and rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary. In 2012 he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity honorus causa by JTS. He also holds a Bachelor in Hebrew Literature from the University of Judaism (now American Jewish University) and a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis. He is a Senior Rabbinic Fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute and is currently President of the Lower Hudson Valley Rabbinical Assembly. He has served as a member of the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS), where he composed the guidelines for High Holiday services for Conservative synagogues during Covid. He hails from the “holy city” of Chicago and is an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs and baseball in general. He is married to Judy Thaler Kane and together they have three wonderful children: Arielle, Tamar (married to Daniel Lorberbaum) and Elan (married to Leora Einleger).
Email Rabbi Kane.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785