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Virtual Minyan

Join our CSI Virtual Minyan!

Congregation Sons of Israel will have our own Virtual Minyan every Sunday (9:15 am), Monday (8:00 am), and Thursday (8:00 am). Each service lasts about 30 minutes. It's a great way to see fellow congregants and to allow members of our community and anyone else around the world to join us to say Kaddish. Please join us from 9:10-9:15am on Sunday and from 7:55-8:00am on Monday/Thursday to chat and catch up, test your connection, and get settled. We will begin services promptly at the start time.
If you have never used Zoom before, you will need to download the Zoom app — either on your phone or computer. Clicking on the Zoom link below should enable you to download and install the Zoom app.
You must use video and audio to be counted in the minyan, as we need to be able see each other, but you can also join by audio only if need be and still fully participate and say Kaddish.
  Sunday (9:15 am) Zoom only Mon/Thu (8:00 am) Zoom only
Zoom Link Sunday Minyan Mon/Thu Minyan
Dial-in +1 929 205 6099 +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID 929-106-792# 758221 943-212-475# 610724
* Sunday morning Minyan is often hybrid — in person in the sanctuary with Zoom on the monitor there as well. Please check the Friday "Shabbat" email for more information.

The Virtual Siddur (or one you can print), Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays, can be used. The pages are below.
Here is a page guide to follow. It can be a bit confusing, so you can  this and follow along:
Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays Page PDF Page Prayer Special Instruction
6 16 Birkot HaShachar Continue through top of 8
14 32 Mizmor Shir Hanukat HaBayit liDavid Skip from top of 8 (top) -->14
15 34 Mourner's Kaddish Continue to 16
16 36 Baruch She-amar Skip from 16-->20
20 44 Mizmor liTodah Skip from 20 (top)-->21
21 46 Ashrei Skip from 22-->25 (middle)
25 54 Psalm 150 Skip from 25(middle) --> 29
29 62 Yishtabach Shimcha Continue straight through…
36b 78 Amidah (together through 37) Together through 37,
silent through 44
44 94 End of Amidah Reflect while everyone finishes, or
Continue to Tachanun *
62 or 59 126 or 120 Tachanun * 62 (Sun), 59 (Mon/Thu)
64 130 Hatzi Kaddish Skip from 64-->78
78 158 Ashrei Continue through 84
84 170 Mourner's Kaddish Skip to Psalm of the Day
85 172 Psalm for Sunday Conclude w/Mourners Kaddish
86 174 Psalm for Monday Conclude w/Mourners Kaddish
89 180 Psalm for Thursday Conclude w/Mourners Kaddish
84 170 Mourner's Kaddish Thank you and Yasher Koach!
* Tachanun is read silently after the Amidah. There are many days that Tachanun is not recited, so just listen for special instructions at the beginning of the Amidah.
During the Yamim Nora'im, we add/swap lines within the silent Amidah on pages 39 and 43; Tachanum is postponed until after Avinu Malkanu (57/116); and on the day before Yom Kippur, we do not say Tachanum or Laminatzeah (79/160). 
On Rosh Chodesh we add the Ya'aleh V'Yavo paragraph in the Amidah (SSS p41, PDF p88).
Rosh Chodesh Changes (Starting from the end of the Amidah, p 44/94, and no Tachanun):
50 102 Hallel Skipping the bottom of 51 and 52
56 114 Kaddish Shalem  
78 158 Ashrei Skipping Lainatze'ah at the bottom of 79
80 162 U'vah L'Tzion Thru p81. Remove Tefillin at this time
103 209 Hatzi Kaddish for Musaf   Musaf Rosh Chodesh
104b              213   Amidah Leader
105 215 Kedusah Leader continues, everyone starts over...
104b 213 Silent Amidah  Continue through 109 / 223
82 166 Kaddish Shalem and Alenu
84 170 Mourner's Kaddish Skip to Psalm of the Day
85 172 Psalm for Sunday Continue on p90
86 174 Psalm for Monday Continue on p90
89 180 Psalm for Thursday Continue on p90
90 182 Psalm for Rosh Chodesh  
84 170 Mourner's Kaddish Thank you and Yasher Koach!


It will be wonderful to see everyone and to enable our mourners or those observing yahrtzeits to say Kaddish!
If you have issues with Zoom, have questions, or comments, please contact Jack Zinn (
Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785